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How to Completely Uninstall Slack on Mac - 3 Easy Ways
This guide briefly introduces how to uninstall Slack on Mac. Common problems during uninstallation and their solutions are also mentioned. Keep reading!
Do you no longer need the Slack app or want to uninstall it completely before reinstalling it?
This post explains how to completely uninstall Slack on Mac and what to do if you can't uninstall it. Read on for the step-by-step guide.
How to Completely Uninstall Slack on Mac
To uninstall Slack and delete its leftovers completely and quickly, a Mac cleaner such as BuhoCleaner may be a good choice.
With BuhoCleaner, you can uninstall Slack on your Mac easily. The following features are available in BuhoCleaner.
- Remove not only the app, but also all related files of the app at once.
- Completely uninstall apps from outside the "App Store"
- Search and remove leftover files of uninstalled apps.
Here is how to uninstall Slack on Mac using BuhoCleaner:
- Free download, install, and launch BuhoCleaner.
- Click App Uninstall.
- Check Slack and all related files>Click Remove.
How to Uninstall Slack on Mac Manually
Although manually uninstalling Slack may be more tedious than the app uninstaller, it's still an effective method.
Here is how to uninstall Slack on Mac:
Go to Finder>Applications>Slack>Move to Trash.
It's worth noting that moving the Slack app to the Trash doesn't delete it completely. You have to delete its related files.
Here is how to delete Slack-related files on Mac:
- Open Finder>Click the Go menu>Go to Folder.
- Copy and paste the following path into the box:
. - Find and delete all Slack related files.
~/Library/Application Support/Slack
~/Library/Saved Application State/com.tinyspeck.slackmacgap.savedState/
How to Uninstall Slack on Mac with Terminal
For Mac users who are familiar with Terminal, there's another efficient way to uninstall Slack on Mac completely. But it's worth noting that you should be careful while using the command rm-rf
in case of data loss.
Here is how:
- Open Terminal via Spotlight.
- Remove the Slack application:
sudo rm -rf /Applications/Slack.app
Remove Slack-related files:
rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/Slack
rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/com.tinyspeck.slackmacgap
rm -rf ~/Library/Preferences/com.tinyspeck.slackmacgap.plist
rm -rf ~/Library/Logs/Slack
rm -rf ~/Library/Saved\ Application\ State/com.tinyspeck.slackmacgap.savedState
- Empty the Trash.
Solutions to Slack Cannot Be Uninstalled
- 1. The Slack app is open:
Close the Slack app completely and then try to uninstall it. Alternatively, force close the Slack app.
- 2. Permission issue:
Please double-check that you are operating under an administrator account.
- 3. Security software:
Temporarily disable your security software and try again.
Have you learned how to completely uninstall Slack on Mac? Try one of the methods above! Hope this post solves your problem.
How to transfer ownership?
- Click your workplace name at the bottom left corner>Profile>Click the three dots.
- Click Account Settings.
- Click Manage members>Click the three dots next to your name>Transfer Ownership.
How to deactivate the Slack account?
If you're the primary owner of the workspace, then you can't deactivate your account. In this case, transfer ownership to another member first. If you aren't, go to Account & Profile >Deactivate account.
Wendy Wu is a tech enthusiast with a deep passion for all things iPhone, iPad, and Mac. Wendy is always on the lookout for Apple products and is committed to providing Apple users with some of the latest information and useful tips.